Saturday, October 10, 2009

We are NOT friends...

I hope to have a good relationship with you again in the near future.
In the mean time.....could you just lie to me? That would be great.


Erin said...

I know exactly how you feel. I look at the normal clothes in my closet and wonder....

Anonymous said...

you are the CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD!! Not to mention beautiful!!

The Wood Family said...

You described my feelings perfectly! The kids are worth it, but...

Chris and Brooklyn said...

You just had a baby for cryin out loud! give yourself a break!! You cant do it all Marige!! You look fabulous! Trust me I just saw your skinny butt tonight!! Admit it, Bennett was oh so worth it, look at that sweet little boy!

Anonymous said...

Margie, I saw you a few weeks ago and you didn't even look like you just had a baby. Be patient. Haven't you ever heard "9 months to put it on so 9 months to take it off"? Plus, you are skinnier than most people who have never even had children!


Erika and Kevin said...

Hahaha I love your little posts like this! I totally know how you feel though!

Candace Thomas said...

Oh my little Margie do I even need to comment? You know how I feel about your skinny little body...I swear you bounce back quicker than anyone I have ever met! But still I know how feeling that way makes ya I am sorry:) But you are HOT!

Angie Orison said...

HAHA!! I agree, I hate getting on the scale, but I am so addicted!!! It is an bad obsession!!