Monday, December 20, 2010

Travis at the New Mexico Bowl

That's wierd, because I thought you went to see the game...

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving and Black Friday!

We had a nice Thanksgiving with Travis' family this year. We spent Thanksgiving night waiting outside in the cold at Toys R Us, and then pushing and clawing our way through Walmart. Nothing says Happy Holidays like a rumble over sheets!

Elephants and Dinosaurs

Disney Land!

In September we went to Disneyland with Travis' family.
Lincoln was in heaven! He wasn't sure if he liked the characters, but warmed up to Mickey towards the end.

Lincoln was so excited to ride the carousal after he learned about them from Special Agent Oso!

Bennett tried to escape anytime he was out of the stroller!
He thought he was pretty funny.

Love my boys.

Lincoln loved the bubbles just as much as the rides.

Lincoln and his sweet little cousin.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Anyone who knows Lincoln, probably wouldn't describe him as a "friendly" child. This is what he said to his little friend who we picked up to go to play group.

Lincoln: Hello! This is my friend mommy and this is my brother Bennett!

I was shocked.

I hope that I will still be his "friend mommy" when he is 16!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yes, that's my kid...

Today during Sacrament Meeting Lincoln told me that he had to go potty. So, I took him to the bathroom, and after checking out each stall he finally decided on a potty to sit on. I noticed that his underwear was a little wet so I said, "Lincoln sit right here on the potty. Mommy's got to go get you some clean underwear. I'll be right back." He says, "Okay mommy". So I run back into the chapel and grab his underwear, and when I get back into the hall...surprise, suprise, Lincoln is running up and down the hall with nothing but a shirt on. Really???

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A little gem...

Just found this little gem when I was going through some old papers. Love it.

"You are enough. There's no need to waste your energy in trying to be someone else. No one is better than you, and what you do best is being you.

Wishing or pretending you're something that you're not, robs precious time and energy from being the best you can be. There's plenty of cause for joy in the person that you are.

To be your best, be your self. No one sees the world in quite the same way as you. No one cares, or loves, or gives like you. You have something very special to offer. There are things you were meant to do.

Be the best that you can be by finding and mastering the art of being you."

-Ralph Marston

Thanks Ralph, that was a good reminder.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lincoln City, OR

In August, we got to go to Lincoln City, Oregon with my family. My parents were nice enough to rent a big house for us all to stay in. We had a great time.

Here are some of the fun things we did...

We did some serious exploring

Grandpa helped

Lincoln thought the airplane ride was pretty cool for about the first five minutes.

We loved the beach. We got to go pretty much everyday that we were there.
Lincoln was in little boy heaven. He loved throwing rock after rock in the water without anybody stopping him.

The girls of Lincoln City!

One of my highlights was our intense ping pong tournament.

We were boogy boarding fools

Bennett found every space that he possibly could to get into

My beach bums

We went on a whale watching cruise on the ocean. It was cool to see a whale!
It was not cool to have to hold a barf bucket the entire time because we were all so sick!

The whole crew

And He's 3

Lincoln turned 3 in September. He's a special little guy.
We Love him, and here's what HE loves...
*Max and Ruby (a little bunny cartoon)
*Library books
*Tackling Bennett
*Board games
*Singing primary songs
*Wrestling with daddy
*Being chased
*Hide and Seek
*Making Bennett laugh
*Jumping on the trampoline
*His hat
*Asking "why?"
*Jumping off things
*Macoroni and cheese
*Helping mommy cook
*Doing things all by himself
*Pushing the button on the alligator (translation: elevator)
*Riding the other alligator (translation: escalater)
*Playing with cousins and friends
*The park
*Saying the prayer

Happy Happy Birthday

Bennett turned 1 in August, we celebrated his birthday while we were in Oregon.
We love our little Bennett.
Here are a few things he loves...
*Hanging on mommy's legs
*Unloading the dishwasher
*Anything his big brother Lincoln does
*Unloading all of the cupboards and drawers in mommy's bathroom
*Running, he runs everywhere
*Getting into EVERYTHING, he can't get to the next thing soon enough
*Smiling and giggling
*Attention from strangers, he stares at people until they smile at him
*Giving big, open mouth kisses
*Waving bye bye
*Going down his little slide
*Going down the stairs, he thinks he's bigger than he is
*Being thrown in the air by daddy
*Throwing things
*Gabbering, he doesn't say any words yet
*Taking baths with Lincoln
*His blankie and binki
*Being chased
*Holding his own spoon
*Peaches and bananas

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Good bye to summer...

We built lots of TALL towers.

We went swimming at grandmas house

Lincoln got to ride a pony at the State Fair. He looked like a little cowboy.

We met daddy at the Treehouse Museum.

I've got me some cute firemen!

We went "golfing". Lincoln would put the ball an inch from the hole and then hit it in.
He got a lot of hole in ones! I think that would really improve my golf game too.

We played at the park ALOT!

Lincoln got to go swimming at Cherry Hill. He LOVED this slide.

Good bye summer...until next year!